LH Talent Agency
in Live Streaming
Live Hosting
Talent Management Agency
Are you a social media celebrity or just starting in the world of streamers? At LH Talent Management Agency, we're here to guide and advise you on your journey, ensuring you grow and evolve seamlessly within the realm of social media jobs.
One Stop Solution
For Live Streaming Apps
Streamers & Agents
Exclusive Services for Streamers & Agents
As a dedicated streamer's agency, we specialize in offering exclusive services tailored for streamers, influencers, and gamers. Our expertise extends across popular live-streaming platforms such as Poppo, Buzzcast, HoneyCam, Chamet, and more. We don't just manage; we evaluate your broadcasts, analyze necessary improvements, and provide recommendations for flawless live shows.
Recruitment and Manpower for Social Media
Join us in recruiting for various social media platforms. As partners with dozens of companies and agencies, you can become a host recruiter or live streaming agency, working from the comfort of your home. Discover talented streamers and influencers for live video hosting apps and video calling platforms, generating a steady income while expanding the application's user base.
Influencers: Empowering Content Creators
In the evolving landscape of content creation, influencers hold immense power. Whether YouTubers creating engaging videos or Instagramers captivating audiences with photos and stories, these content creators become influential figures in their sectors. LH Talent Agency is here to support and guide influencers on various social streaming channels.
Direct Services for Apps: Elevate Your Reach
Promoting Streaming Platforms and Online Events
Benefit from our online marketing expertise as we promote streaming platforms and online events. Our strategies are designed to increase downloads and audience engagement on the platform. Let LH Talent Agency be your partner in achieving greater visibility and success in the dynamic world of live streaming.